Student Solution


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8.2 Discussion Job Interview

8.2 Discussion Job Interview

Q Prompt • View the TED Talks video on job interview techniques. What are the top three takeaways from this presentation for you and why? What will be the most difficult tip for you to accommodate and why? o Ted Talks (Links to an external site.) Response Parameters • Minimum 250–350 word response • Include at least two (2) references from text in analysis o Outside sources may be used as well • Initial response due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. ET • Peer response due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET o Instructor response may be included as peer response Grading • Refer to the RISE model (Links to an external site.) as a guide for writing substantial reply posts • Each student is expected to participate in all discussion board topics assigned each week. Students are expected to post one initial response (minimum 125 words) to each discussion question and a minimum of two responses per question to other learners’ postings to the discussion question. All responses should be written in a respectful, academic manner, and meet the rubric set out below to qualify for the appropriate letter grade. • Your posts will be graded according to the rubric (click the three ellipses and then Show Rubric)

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The first top takeaway from the TED Talk presentation for me would be about preparing for my interview while doing every other activity of my life before the interview. There can be preparation done by me by taking assistance from a friend. My friend can become my interviewer and I can play the role of the interviewee. Preparation is important because it can make every interviewee fluent with what to say for every specific question asked by the interviewer. Another top takeaway would be dressing appropriately for the position for which I am being interviewed by the interviewer. This is because dressing properly will create a